
Condiment based on olive oil flavored with flakes of pure white truffle. White Truffle Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a top-quality olive oil that has been infused with white truffles. This truffle oil is very easy to use and can be combined with several dishes to enhance the taste of the truffle. It is also an ideal condiment as a base for all truffle dishes. Truffle oil is more of a flavouring or seasoning that gives a burst of flavour. It is recommended to use it as a raw condiment to keep the aroma of the truffle intact, with the amount of a teaspoon of oil per person. Excellent to use with croutons and appetizers, first and second courses and all dishes prepared with truffles. One should only add them lightly on your foods or dishes. The reputation of white truffle oil is expensive and a sense of luxury. With an unusual smell and flavour, this White Truffle Oil is excellent for enhancing many dishes. The ingredients, including the best extra-virgin olive oil and dried white truffle flavour, result in a notable emotion and give your dishes a sumptuous feel. This unique dressing is delicious on a salad or as a garnish on dishes. The Saporalia White Truffle Oil also makes an excellent sauce on various kinds of meats and vegetables when heated up. Garnish your mushrooms with it for example, or pour the dressing over roast beef. Marinating is also a great choice. Do not allow the white truffle oil to boil when heating it up, or you will waste the truffle aroma! And ensure you shake the bottle thoroughly before use, to get the perfect pour. Ways to use truffle oil • Drizzle truffle oil on popcorn: Mark up a classic movie snack by drizzling a little bit of truffle oil on top. • Use it on pasta dishes: One of the most popular ways to use truffle oil! • Mac n’ Cheese: Add truffle oil to your childhood favourite mac and cheese. • Mix into mashed potatoes: You can add truffle oil to potatoes for a good truffle mash. • Use as a finishing oil on pizza: Truffle oil goes well over most pizza
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